In this assignment, you will create paper prototypes to test out your design changes for the application and tasks you tested in Assignment 2. Your changes don’t have to be exactly the same as you proposed in that assignment, however.
Create a paper prototype for each of three design changes to the app you analyzed in Assignment 2. Then, following the same protocol as in Assignment 2, test out your changes with two users. Your participants should not be the same people as tested the app in Assignment two.
Once you have collected your data, you will write a two page report on what you observed. You will also give a five minute presentation in class on the due date. For both, you should include drawings or images to help the class understand what you observed. You will turn in both your report and your slides via Slack on the due date.
Presentation guidelines
- Your presentation must take no more than five minutes—this time limit will be strictly enforced.
- You should rehearse your presentation several times before class.
- Your slides should balance text to help the audience understand your observations with interesting imagery.
- Do not read your slides to the class! This is one of the most common mistakes that novice presenters make.
This assignment is worth 7% of your final grade. Both your written report (4%) and your in-class presentation (3%) should adhere to the following criteria:
- Clear, easy to read, without grammar or spelling errors
- Clearly describes how the observation was conducted: when and where you went, what app you tested, what tasks you had the participant do.
- Clearly describes the participants: age, occupation, experience with mobile devices and apps; don’t use a photograph or their real name, however.
- Describe your observations for each task: Were any tasks especially easy/difficult? What aspects of the tasks were slow, confusing, etc.? Note that if you don’t have any interesting observations after your first participant, you may need to adjust your study tasks or your chosen app. Include pictures to illustrate your points.
- Includes interesting concrete examples, sketches/images where appropriate
- Describe three possible improvements that could be made to the user interface to avoid the problems the users had.