
There will be one project over the course of the semester. Projects will be conducted by teams of 3–4 students. I will form teams for you, based in part on student preferences, and in part on student skill levels. I will expect each team member to do both technical and design work! More details on team formation can be found here.

The goal of the project is to understand how to think about and perform research in one of the areas of the class. The project can be study- or implementation-based.

Choosing a project

The projects will be related to work that has been previously done in the research community. Each student will look at papers from a number of previous conferences, and eventually the group will choose a paper, the research in which the team will replicate or extend. The rationale for this mechanism is that in previous years, I’ve seen students struggle with picking projects that are interesting, doable in the course of a semester, and possible given the skill levels of the students in the team.

There are two parts to choosing the project:


The project is worth a cumulative total of 47% of your final grade: